Sophia Samuels, Ph.D.
Certified Life Mastery Consultant

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Unlock the Secret to Growing the Life you want to Live

How long does it take to change your life?

With Life Mastery, just Six Months to a Transformed Life!

A Unique opportunity to have Dr. Sofia Samuels, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Results Expert coach you into Life Mastery.

The process begins the moment you join the program! As you apply each week’s lesson, your Life Mastery skills grow. Our six month curriculum is designed to instruct and support you along the way, as you focus on six major domains of life, one each month.

With each area, you’ll learn the skills and abilities that will give you Mastery of that area in your life. You’ll tryout new habits of thinking and action, and you’ll gain new insights. With practice, you’ll find yourself naturally making the changes you need to get the results you want, and you’ll bring more harmony, peace and joy into your life at the same time.

The six major domains covered in Life Mastery are;

Mastery in INTENTION

  • Accessing the power of your purpose
    Learn how to vision your life’s purpose with such CLARITY that the Universe rushes to your aide.

Mastery in HEALTH

  • Experiencing the highest expression of well being
    Experience VIBRANT energy and the HIGHEST expression of HEALTH and WELL-BEING.

Mastery in ABUNDANCE

  • Living from connection with source
    Release energy blocks around MONEY, and ENJOY a NEW permanent level of FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE.


  • Developing the art of co-creating
    Develop the art of co-creating what you WANT in your life. See REAL RESULTS.

Mastery in LOVE

  • Fostering Authentic relationships
    FOSTER authentic relationships with family, your kids, your spouse, your peers, neighbors, bosses and friends.


  • Navigating the terrain of greater possibilities
    Transform patterns of limitation, replace negative paradigms, and SEE a greater more FULFILLING life develop; right before your eyes!


One-On-One Coaching


One-On-One Platinum Coaching

A Message From
Mary Morrissey


Essential Qualities to Live a More Fulling Life
(Free Download)

What Clients Say:

The experiences, the feelings, the growth, the adventures, the understandings and the love of and for life keep on growing.  My experiences...

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